Roll With It, Baby

Crystal Nuding Avatar

Sometimes life IS too much or it certainly feels like that to me.

We lose someone too early while someone goes on in endless suffering or merely existing. A big bill comes in or your car breaks down. Your dog gets sick, money gets tight or someone you love hurts you. It happens. This is life after all.

My family and I have been going through a difficult time lately. This past month or more for sure… actually this whole year has been interesting. We lost my dear Aunt Lyn much too soon and several other family members are struggling with health issues.

I was standing at the kitchen sink, breathing through upset over one thing or another when I heard in my mind clear as a bell, “When life is too much, roll with it, baby.” Thank you, Steve Winwood.

Awwwwwwwww…. I remember. Yes and Thank you.

I can roll with this. I can soothe myself over what’s happening and hold the vision of peace, health and happiness for myself and my family.

It’s not always easy to remember to roll with it.

Hell, sometimes, it’s not even easy to roll with it when you remember to.

But, just remember that you CAN roll with it. Rolling with it is ALWAYS a possibility.

Rolling with it opens up avenues that resisting it shuts down.

Rolling with it relaxes your mind and allows you to see the potential positive outcome instead of staying focused on the crappy situation you’re having to deal with. Rolling with it keeps you moving while blaming or complaining keeps you stuck.

There have been more than a few times in the past month I’ve wanted to raise some serious hell and fight. I wanted to cuss and yell and be ugly. I didn’t. But, I really wanted to.

It wouldn’t have helped. I was mad at life and hurt about things I couldn’t control. It would have made me feel worse than I already did. I’m proud of myself for being grown, for remaining calm and keeping myself under control. I haven’t always done that.

I know I and my family aren’t the only ones going through difficult times.

If you’re struggling right now, hold on.

Everything is always working out for us. If things don’t look the way you want them to, keep breathing and wait. What’s that saying about (insert your state here) Texas weather? If you don’t like it, just wait 5 minutes.

In the mean time, I know those 5 minutes can feel like an eternity. I really do understand. But, the more you breathe and soothe yourself in the moment the better things will work out. Truly. You keep moving forward and taking the action you need to take, but do it from a place of centered calm. Big belly breaths will help you get there. (In through your nose, filling your belly first, out through your mouth.)

I am sending you love and soothing and peace and so much more ease and flow than you may have been experiencing lately. This too shall pass. Keep breathing. You’re doing great.

By the way… it’s Friday.

Ladies and Gentleman, Steve Winwood…

12 responses

  1. dmdobbins98

    Yes, Indeed! Roll with it! My MacBook with 7 years worth of writing and pictures crashed, but the Mac doctors are trying to save it and if they don’t it’s all ok. Rolling with it. Sending light and love to you and your family.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Crystal Nuding

      Thank you so much, Michelle. Sending soothing, peace, ease and flow to you! Seeing you retrieving all of your writing and pictures!
      Love and blessings! XO


  2. Pat Thorpe

    Great post, Crystal. Could feel great energy while reading it. Allowed myself to breathe and release some energy during that time.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Crystal Nuding

      Thank you, Pat! Things work so much better when we take the time to breathe and let the energy move! 🙂


  3. misssherita

    Hi Sugar! I REALLY needed these words today. I hope I get to hug you soon. Thanks for sharing and love you so much!


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Crystal Nuding

      So happy to be here, Sherita! Love and miss you! Let’s get together soon! XOXO


  4. Beverly J. Harvey

    Your messages have erfect timing, as always.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Crystal Nuding

      Thank you, Beverly! So happy to hear it.
      Thanks for stopping by.
      Sending much soothing, peace, ease and flow to you and yours!


  5. Roxanne Darling

    Lovely reminder – so glad we have each other for that. Hugs to you Crystal!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Crystal Nuding

      Thanks Roxanne! It’s nice to have help remembering. 🙂
      Right back at you!
      Love and blessings!


  6. AB

    This is ringing really true.
    Thank you for putting this out there, where I can use it to heal.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Crystal Nuding

      So happy to share. Thanks for stopping by! Sending much soothing, peace, ease and flow to you. 🙂


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