Free At Last!

Crystal Nuding Avatar

So much going on these days.  Energy is moving at an all time HIGH.  I feel things changing around me.  I wake most mornings feeling warm and fuzzy.  That is, unless it’s one of THOSE mornings.  Or my energy is moving faster than I am able to let it in.  Even those days are ok.  I recognize my resistance, acknowledge the movement, take a deep breath and thank heavens for my life and where I am in it.  I know that even in my pain, irritation, sadness or frustration, it is all energy and it’s all moving.

As I was trying to fall asleep the other night, my mind was running a mile a minute.  Most of it good and exciting, but I had a flash of a moment from my young adulthood I wasn’t particularly proud of or happy to remember.  At that moment, I began soothing myself.  Usually I’ll say “Stop It” or “Ok, thank you very much, next subject”, but this time it was different.

I first said I love you… bless your heart. I then started explaining to myself all the reasons everything is ok.  I told myself how I had found my way, and how things always worked out.  I told myself to look around at what had changed in my life and in the lives of the people around me.  I spoke sweetly, calmly and softly to myself.  Telling myself all the things I always wanted someone else to tell me.  Speaking the words of comfort that most comforted me.  Saying what I needed to hear, that only I know and understand.  My heart softened and utterly melted.  It felt so sweet and good.  I knew, I had found freedom.

It’s only our own minds that torture us.  So… YOU talk.  It’s crazy to me how we will stand idly by while our mind whips us and tortures us with past experiences, conversations or actions that are truly ancient history.  The only thing that keeps us attached to them is our mind.  A close friend of mine was struggling with her obsessive negative thoughts, I told her, “only one can talk at a time, so you do it, deliberately.”  Don’t just try to stop the negative thoughts, CULTIVATE the positive ones.  Just start talking to yourself, lovingly and soothingly until you don’t even remember what your mind was trying to scare you with!

If your monkey mind is giving you trouble, give this a try.  If you need to write out a script of sweet, loving, nurturing things to read in a tortured moment, do it.  Until you’re able to go with your Large Self and flow those loving words in the moment, have an alternate plan.

If you need help formulating an alternate plan, I’m happy to help.

Here’s to your Freedom!

So much Love to YOU,


7 responses

  1. Cathy Ulrich

    I love the alternate plan, idea, Crystal. It gives us a chance to stop making our minds a scary place! 🙂
    Love you,


    1. Crystal Nuding

      Thanks Cathy! The support helps. : )
      Love you!


  2. Julie

    I totally love your words, your strength and determination! 🙂 You made me stop and think! Thank you so much!!! xoxoxo Peace, Love and Blessings to you for everything you do!!!!!!!! Julie


    1. Crystal Nuding

      Thank you Julie!
      Much Love,


  3. Crystal Nuding

    Reblogged this on The New Fashioned Girl and commented:

    This is the perfect start for all of us New Fashioned Girls! Take care of yourself. Be so sweet to yourself. Soothe, support and uplift yourself. I’m here in the mean time!
    Try this out and let me know how it works for you!
    Much Love,


  4. Sharron Taylor

    Hi Crystal,just sent this to my daughter ,shes in a fragile time right now,thankyou so much for such compassionate words,I love them,tears flow yay.lots of love.Sharron


    1. Crystal Nuding

      Wonderful, Sharron.
      Sending you both soothing, peace, ease and flow!
      Much Love and Many Blessings,


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