Money, Honey

Crystal Nuding Avatar

What do we want? MONEY!  When do we want it? NOW!

Money. It’s what we want!  We need it, right?   To survive, to live, to eat, to thrive…?? Well, yes and no.  While it is useful to exchange for goods and services, we can’t eat it (gag) and money certainly can’t hold us when we are feeling vulnerable or need a hug.

We think we want money, but what we really want is what we think money will provide. Stability, security, freedom… get the picture?

While cash money is a fantastic tool that allows us to have the stuff we want and do things we want to do it isn’t necessary for our survival. At one point in history salt and chocolate were forms of money. Taking the life and death importance out of money can make it a little less scary when we find we need more in the bank than we currently have.

First, just breathe. Everything is always working out for you. (If you think it isn’t, think again!)

What is your relationship with money?

Do you love money or hate it? Do you think people that have money are “bad” or “smarter than the rest of us”? When out with family or friends, do you think the person with most money should pay for everything? Do you feel confident you’ll always be able to create or generate all the money you need? Do you feel like you’ll never make enough? Are you envious, jealous or even angry with people that have a lot of money? Do you actually have a bit of money but are constantly afraid of losing it or that someone will take it from you? Have you decided you’ll probably just live paycheck to paycheck for the rest of your life?

Think about your answers to the previous questions.  What beliefs did you just realize you have about money? Do they support you and make you feel good, or do they feel bad and scary or worrisome?

The way you feel right now, physically, in your body,
is the key to the amount of money you are currently creating in your reality

It’s not the economy, the current or past administration. It’s not your boss or family. It is only about the physical sensation you’re feeling right now as you’re thinking about and focusing on money. Is it in your stomach, heart or throat, perhaps? (It could be in your ear, elbow, knee, ankle or big toe!)

Notice how your body feels when you talk about money.  Does anything tense up?  Do you feel that nervous feeling in your stomach or a clinch in your chest? Does your mind jump on the scary roller coaster of trying to figure out how you’re going to make everything work?

These little signs are telling you how you feel about money. The great news is that from now on, you’ll have a bit more awareness of how your thoughts affect your body. Yay!

Feeling those feelings (the physical sensations in your body)
without thinking about why you are feeling them (I’m broke and have bills to pay)
will set you free.

I understand completely how scary our current reality can seem, but that fear is tied directly to the feelings in your body. It’s like having an oscillating fan plugged in and turned on high, unplug it from the electrical outlet and it stops. Let yourself feel those feelings and they will flow on through your body as intended. Feeling the feeling removes the “charge”. Then the whole situation is transformed. The perfect solution presents itself, a check shows up in the mail.  A friend or relative gifts you with the money or you create the space for your own financial abundance. The number of positive solutions to your situation is limitless, don’t trap yourself in the 1 or 2 terrible scenarios you keep playing over and over in your head.

Speaking of terrible scenarios playing over and over in your head… Your mind is going to automatically point out what’s wrong with everything and how it could be even worse. That way of thinking was imperative to our survival as cavemen needing to protect ourselves from real and present danger, but we are no longer in danger. (No matter what the news says!) Bless our negatively focused minds and our news media. Fortunately we have the freewill and power to change our focus. It takes a little effort and consistency, but is well worth it. We create with the power of our minds and our laser like focus. Make sure you are focused on what you want, not what’s gone wrong.

We have these feelings for a very good reason, after all. They are our guidance system. Everyone receives guidance from the Divine/God/Universal Intelligence, but not everyone knows how to hear it. Feelings are the key to this communication. Feelings that feel bad are telling you that the thoughts you are thinking are not in alignment with your larger, more expanded self. This doesn’t mean anything is bad or wrong, it just shows you that you are not seeing the situation as your Divine Self sees it.

After years of not allowing ourselves to fully feel, experience and let flow our feelings and emotions (because they can be painful), we’re like storage units full of old and useless crap we don’t need anymore, but still pay for.  Month after month, paying for stuff we don’t need or use. Except you’re not paying with money in this way, you’re paying with your energy, your health and your life experience.

Let yourself feel how you feel. Whether you need more money, a better job or a new relationship. Don’t resist anything. Just acknowledge your feelings and let them move.

Set your intention to get fully into your body so that you can, first, hear the information being given to you. And secondly, to begin navigating your life in a way that is easy, pleasing and fun. Life isn’t nearly as hard or scary as we’ve been lead to believe. Bless our hearts.  We know what we know and do the best we can.  When we know better we can do better.

No big changes to make, just an awareness to cultivate.

Feel what you feel. Recognize when you’re mind is taking you down a rocky road and choose a smoother path.

The evidence that shows up in your life will astound you.

Here’s to letting it be easy!  I can help.
Much Love,

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