Crystal Nuding

c o n s c i o u s n e s s c o a c h

Listen to a free audio of a first time session when you sign up for my newsletter!

Crystal consistently lives in a high vibin’ place. She embraces her power and takes ownership of her creation; her life. In being with her, I’ve experienced my own vibrational frequency rise. In Crystal’s confident, knowing smile, I can see what I want for me – for my life and for my loved ones. I guess it’s sort of an entrainment – we can all know what she knows, and as we are in the process of that evolution, it’s extremely effective to have a place holder, so to speak.

Energy wants to move; this is a universal law and the key to our freedom and power. Crystal teaches us how to do that.

Crystal is a light. She is a “way” maker. She is a teacher and a healer. I’ve known this since meeting her in 2008/2009. Crystal was an admin assistant to a spiritual teacher about whom I’d read an article (in one of the Austin Natural magazines), and subsequently met at one of her gatherings. Crystal was
also at this gathering. I had never before seen such a lit-up person, and was immediately drawn to her.

I would later (2011/2012) book a one-on-one session with her – several actually – in order to support myself during a very challenging time. Some years after that, (2018) I found myself living in the same small town as Crystal, (what a coincidence, ha ha), so I booked some sessions. (Just what the doctor ordered, ha ha.)

What Crystal “teaches” is extremely simple, albeit not easy, because it’s not – at least not at first – but it is simple. As I stated, energy wants to move: Crystal teaches you how to do that, and holds a space as we learn to do it for ourselves. My life has greatly improved since embracing this practice; my general mood, my relationships, my ability to deal with myself, and life in general.

Working with Crystal has made me realize that I don’t need to be dependent on anyone to make my life better, but to learn how to create a better life for myself.

KG, Lockhart, TX

“Hi Crystal! I was talking to my sister last night on the phone and we were talking about how much you have saved us. I just wanted to tell you that I truly think you are so magical. Your work has helped me so much and I’m forever grateful to you. 💛 Lots of love forever and ever!! Hope you have a great day! 💛💛💛”

Lianna, NYC

“I had the cold, clinical, hospital birth with my first and knew I wanted to do something different for my second baby. Crystal was with me during the entire pregnancy, the miscarriage scare (baby was fine, but we mourned her for two weeks!), and the birth. I called her when labor really picked up and she helped me breathe for over an hour! I was focusing on relaxing my body and Crystal was on the phone breathing with me and speaking soothing words. Her affirmations were life-giving. I know my husband appreciated her being part of the team. She spoke goodness and love over me, and I know she was sending prayers after, too! I had my 9lb 12oz baby at home with no interventions and she was an integral part of my birth team. Thank you, Crystal, for your heart and the love you pour out in every encounter. You are a gem, a rock, and a source of goodness.” 

Abigail, Texas

“Crystal exudes confidence and loving kindness. Her excitement in helping others be unabashedly themselves shines through and gives space to let go of internal blockages/ideas/rigidity/etc. There’s never been a better time to free yourself from limited beliefs and find out who YOU are. Crystal can help you get there and even better encourage you to walk fearlessly forward as the amazing YOU that you ARE!”

Leigh, Texas

Crystal Wisdom: Consciousness Training

Crystal carries gifts from the dark and molded cave. She, having apprenticed under a jagged life, has garnered the massive skill of calling out to you, to have you sit before her and together unscrew your comely head from your gentle frame.

In doing so, Crystal trods us back to the door and porch, up to the wisdom of our animal bodies. Pleased as ever you find them basking in the sun without the immobile boulders of fear and resentment. We lay blessings here, implant inherent forgiveness. The body never rambles on, only whispers wisdom. Listen, she says. Return and bow to the resting monk. Reality is always here, grab Crystal’s hand and have her guide you back to it, (re)member the way and you can always return. Go often and maybe you’ll stay.

Katherine, Texas

Who would of known that God has just the person to help us connect closer to him. There is where healing and empowerment meets. Crystal helps you tap into the energies and power we all hold inside of ourselves. By acknowledging what might be holding us back, we can then move forward. We do not have to become “stuck” the past or future thinking.  After only a couple of sessions, I’ve put into practice things that Crystal has taught, and used it to guide my business strategies. Even being in the beginning phases I can tell that I will reach beyond my wildest dreams. I’m certain that connecting with her was no mistake. If you are wondering how to reach your full potential then I highly recommend you follow that small voice and give her a try.

Much love,
Shaun, Texas

Being supported by Crystal is a great blessing. In a very loving and caring way she guided me through my struggles (monkey mind issues) and made me feel so much better every time. Through her soothing and guidance I do feel so much better about myself, my life and the world. The world needs her work now more than ever!

Deep gratitude and love! 
Stefanie, Germany

Listen to Stefanie’s Audio Testimonial

My experience working with Crystal has been transformative, both in terms of my own mental and emotional state, my physical body, and my understanding of the capacity of energy healing practitioners. Crystal addresses both ‘the story’ we tell ourselves (in a similar vein to cognitive therapies) and also the deeper physio-spiritual pieces that I have less ability to put words around.

What I can say is that, for me, Crystal has helped provide relief, healing, and guidance in ways I both understand and in ways I don’t understand but have fully experienced and know to be true.

I found an intense series of sessions really helpful a few times in my life when I was ready for change, open to healing – and utterly unable to do so without expert guidance. Crystal provides a depth of experience and creates a safe space, while always gifting me with powerful words and ideas that I find myself pulling out and using as tools, years later. (Sometimes I write them on the fridge. Her words are powerful, and they’ve served me well as mantras, when I needed hope, laughter, and growth.)

Today, I continue to work with Crystal when I feel stuck and need to hit reset – she guides me back into a mindset and physical state where I reconnect to my healthiest self.

If you’re curious – there’s likely a reason. I was driven by a desperate desire to feel better, and addressing my brain and body separately in more standard therapies was failing to bring relief. I was tired of surviving. The work I’ve done with Crystal has been critical to thriving – and today I thrive. (As Crystal would say.. Yes and Thank YOU.)”
-Arianna, California

“I am so happy and grateful for the rapid progress towards building a great body, improving self image, loving myself a little more and for the freedom this income grants me, I have a feeling the best is yet to come. That big drum position might just be in the pipeline, my playing was on fire the other day, surprised myself, at one with the muse 😛

Lots of love to you Crystal, I am as I am presently because of your great energy, your selflessness and making the conscious choice to be a better man, diamond!” Lee Xx

“Hi Crystal, I am feeling fantastic! After two sessions with you I have moved a huge amount of energy, specifically related to deep seated sadness and fear / anxiety that I have carried with me for as long as I can remember. A shift has occurred in me and I am just overjoyed with feelings of peace and ease. It is as if emotionally and psychologically I have removed a very damp, itchy, heavy coat. I feel light and free and I can breath again. Thank you so much for your help and I love you!”

“Had a dream last night you were in. We talked and laughed. Woke up feeling inspired though I don’t remember anything we were talking about. Wishing you a day of peace and happiness my sweet friend. I really can not began to tell you how much of a difference you have made in my life. Loving the higher vibrations and growing very much. Its amazing how better I feel and enlightened. Love feeling and being myself instead of trying to conform to others way of thinking. Love spiritual growth higher plans. Loves”

“Dearest Crystal,
Thank you so much for the phone session. I felt peace and relief almost immediately. In less than two minutes I went from feeling like I was losing my mind and ready for a padded room to laughing at myself and the complete ridiculousness and insignificance of my thoughts. I suffered needlessly all morning…next time I will call you sooner!”
Much love,

“Hey Crystal!
Just thought I’d tell you how much I appreciated your healing. I started out the day before with a horrid cold, sinus headache, plugged ears, sore throat. Then the next day I had an accident and sprained my wrist really bad. I posted the sprained wrist on Face Book and bless your heart, you sent me a healing! Now here is the neat part. The wrist really hurt and is much better after the healing. The swelling went down and I can at least use my fingers a little. But what was really awesome was that the cold completely disappeared! And at this moment that was/is more important to me because, tonight I can watch my grand baby being born and if the cold had remained I couldn’t have. Thanks sooooo very very much!”

“Hey Crystal,
THANK You so much for everything.  I love love loved talking to you today.  When I got on your site today if felt like taking a big deep sigh and a sense of peace filled me that was quite indescribable. Then when we had our session I could feel the energy move and very strongly!  Wow, you are so amazing at what you do and are very powerful at helping people, both with talking them through things as well as moving the energy!

“Hello Crystal,
How are you?! … I have WONDERFUL news to report to you from the work we’ve done.  The relationship that was budding when I spoke to you on our last session has gone very well.  We’re MARRIED!!  🙂   The work I’ve done with you is amazing and there’s something I definitely want to let go of.  I know you can help 🙂
Thanks so much!!!!”

“Dear Crystal, Thank you for your precious and soothing guidance yesterday, for your strength and support, for not asking me about the story… for reminding me how powerful I am. As soon as I submitted my payment for the session I could feel the energy… Even before that I told the Cosmos that I needed some miracle TODAY! One was your $35 session, another was a call some pet-sitting… and more, and more… and I am breathing today, and feeling what’s going on in my body… and crying, and laughing and smiling a little… onward and upward.” xoxo, Julie

“I would like to highly recommend Crystal Nuding as an amazing Consciousness Life Coach.  I have had some sessions with Crystal and each one has helped  me to shift old stuck energy, allowing it to move up the vibrational scale, through my body.  I had a session today and I am bubbling with excitement, joy, feelings of freedom, ease and flow.  There were a couple of situations that I kept trying to shift on my own, and I kept feeling sticky about it, and I was so ready to get on with feeling good.  Crystal can definitely help you do that!!  Within only 1 session, I feel amazing relief and happiness. Dear Crystal, thank you for sharing your amazing gifts with all of us, and empowering us to live the wonderful lives we came here to live.  I am very happy, And I know where to go from here – so THANK YOU!!!  As my dear Aunt Virginia used to always say, “You are an angel straight out of heaven!!!”  Xxxx  from Karri Powers, Wilmington, Delaware.  February 1, 2013.

“Hi Crystal,
I fell back asleep after our call and had the most fabulous, fantasy/adventure dream starring ME. I enjoyed it the whole time, and woke up exhilarated, and feeling like I’d been doing the cool stuff I was doing in the dream. It was the 2nd best dream ever!!  VERY fun!
Thank you again, and talk to you soon!”

“Hi Crystal,
I’ve evolved so nicely during the last months!
And now I just have to rave: I have the most amazing boyfriend
ever!!!! He’s so warm loving and caring, and he’s so good…….
I’m just living the best life ever! Just waiting for Friday to see him again.
Thought about you a lot in difficult moments.
This time was thinking about you in the best times ever!
I couldn’t even imagine feeling so good a year ago!
What a change there could be in life.
I just wrote him a love letter saying that I feel so alive! So
optimistic and good!
Sending you my love! have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year!
From Israel,”
Sigalit Greenholts

“Hey Crystal,
It was GREAT talking with you today!  I am feeling very excited and easy about getting my ultimate freedom.  I cannot describe how good it feels to know that it is on the way.  Stepping to the side and outa da’ way 🙂  Thank you for being such a WONDER-FULL support to me on this journey- I truly appreciate it- truly do.   I would love to set up another session for next week.

I love your new website.  I went and followed it.  I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately.  I keep thinking of doing the boost program for our business one day soon.

I’m still soaring on the energy from our other sessions.  Since we last talked, I have submitted two short stories to Woman’s World magazine.  I should hear back from them in the next 2-3 months. I’m excited because they’ve been out over 2 1/2 months which means that they made it to the second stage! 🙂

I had one of my picture books critiqued by writers digest and the person who did the critique suggested a few word changes, but said that it deserved to be published.  So I have submitted it to an editor I met at a writing conference.  I also, have four other picture books out being critiqued by agents, who could possibly help me sell them if they like them.

I am 44,000 words into a novel and I’m working with a writing mentor to get it completed. I was taught by another writer, who I met in an Internet group before she was published.  She now had 7 best selling books out there.  She taught me how to weave intentions for the readers of the books I write into my books.

I’m now at a point where most of the time I know that my writing career is going to take off soon.  I’m so excited to see my work published. So thank you, thank you!  It has gotten so much easier and joyful to write and put my writing out there.

That’s my rave for now.  I’m sending you a donation to hold this vision with me of easy, joyful, profitable publishing of my writing.

I hope you are doing well.  I love the beautiful pictures on your site. If there is any way I can help you promote it, I’d love to help.

“I just wanted to let you know I got a contract on my house. Woohoo!! Thank you for your help & guidance.” Tamara H.

I want you to know that I am doing very well in coping with my wife’s
death. You were a tremendous ally, help and source of hope and
encouragement for me and please accept my profound thanks for that. I
still miss my wife, still get sad but everyone is amazed at my
emotional stability and how I am, and you gave me the tools to move
through those lower emotions into a better place. You were the icing
on the cake.
My book is progressing nicely, still a long way from being finished.
I hope to talk with you soon, Love, love, love,” Ron

“Thank you, Crystal!  By the way, the energy I felt through the whole “session“, when we were talking, was very lovely.”  Melinda G.

“Hi Crystal,
I hope you had a wonderful weekend!  I did, as I felt great after our call….and then had a ton of very vivid dreams over the weekend.  Boy, something powerful is definitely going on!  I love it!   Have a great day!

“Dear Crystal,
Thank you so much for our session last week. I felt so supported, loved, and filled with confidence. You gave me a lot of words and ways to talk to myself when I was tempted to start to over-think things. I managed to forget about the whole biopsy appointment over the weekend, and just have fun.  I really noticed that I am able to get into my body more now, and so am quicker to do that rather than start to think first. I just abandon the thinking! Cool!

The doctor’s visit was fine, she was wonderful and helpful, and told me there was no need for a biopsy at all. I was thrilled.

I really value the strength of the support you gave me, and I want you to know how much I appreciate your help.
Love and blessings,”

“Hi Crystal
Thank you so much.
By the way there is “a small side effect” I would like to mention: Since our sessions I am in the most attractive state I ever was in my life. I am glowing, look healthy and sexy. I mean in my youth I was not in that position so much. It is something that came with your sessions and… I am grateful and feel great.” Yael

“Thanks again for the easy, breezy vibration.  I have done well with that in many ways and I am so grateful that I am letting the help in to cultivate, deepen and relax into it.  I also loved your wording about being free now, as I too feel that coming for me.  I am so ready for that, and am free already – I can feel that, and also ready and willing to let that in even more.  I am going to keep letting in the help in whatever way feels best.

I have started moving more physically recently in the way you described, and it has and does feel great.  I have also found a nutritionist who I have met with once, who I feel so totally got “me” with my energetic sensitivities and is going to help me get more clear on how to support myself physically and energetically as I keep moving forward.  She has created something that she loves that has evolved out of who she is.  I am enjoying “finding” more and more people, mostly women, like that in my life.  As I too see my “work” being an extension of who I am, and have recently been embracing “me” at different ages that I had not fully been letting in due to stories of pain, not knowing what to “do” with that energy, etc…

You may see me pop up on your weekly boost calls as the weeks go on.  I am mindful of not wanting to “work” at this or start seeking and not feeling, and I am now completely willing to let in all the help I can.  I also loved your 24 hours of support available.  So true.  How fun and easy can my life be?  :)”

Lots of love,

“Hi Crystal,
I felt sooo good yesterday after the call!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I came home shortly after the call to my daughter and her friend with a giant pizza.
We had a girl’s party and I enjoyed myself like a child with them, then we had candies and heard some music. They made a camp in the middle of our living room with lots of mattresses and pillows.
I slept great, woke up early and went shopping on foot and enjoyed it.
I feel much better at home. I feel great in general, full of energy and optimism of the future.

Thanks for your blessed sessions. it’s such a comfort for me to know that I can always reach you.”
Lots of LOVE to you,

“Hi Crystal,
I hope you had a wonderful weekend!  I did, as I felt great after our call….and then had a ton of very vivid dreams over the weekend.  Boy, something powerful is definitely going on!  I love it!  Have a great day!”

“Just a note in follow up.  What an incredible session today!  I walked on air for the remainder of the day, went dancing with hubby tonight — not intending anything great, mind you, but had a wonderful, and I do mean wonderful, time.  Things seem different somehow and I can’t quantify it.  More positive, more hopeful, more in the flow.  The dawning of “life can be joyous” has just begun.”
Thank you, thank you, thank you.

“Please accept my heartfelt thanks for your support, enthusiasm and helping me figure out, then getting to what is “up” for me and jumping in with both feet.  I have enjoyed our conversations beyond belief and look forward to more.”Ron

“Thank you Crystal, for holding the vision and again, your encouraging thoughts and words. ….  So that is the big deal for me. I think life has led me to this, to just do it and watching this unfold is fun and also exhausting because I most times do not know enough to stop for a while.  Writing this book is allowing me to reclaim all sorts of personal power and if it never gets published or sold, it does not matter.  I would like that, but this is basically for me, I will figure out the rest later. My thanks again, love, love, love,” Ron

“Hi Crystal,
Thank you SOOOooo Much!!!! When I saw your face on your site, I just couldn’t stop crying tears of joy and could feel your love and my heart just swelled with bliss. I will talk to you soon.
Love & Blessings”

“So this is a long way of getting to say “Thank You” again, as your energetic work with me I have found to be tremendously helpful, especially as it has appeared to me I had a tremendous amount of old stuff to let go of to get back to what is really fun for me.”Ron

“Hi Crystal, I made it through the back surgery-it turned out to be much more serious and involved that my surgeon thought.  He said the incision on my spine would be about an inch and a half but it turned out to be a four and a half cut.  I have regained strength and am moving about with relative ease.  They did keep me overnight but my doctor is happy with the results of his work.

I am happy with the results also and that is due mainly to the energetic set up we did last week.  I credit that with the ease and speed of my recovery although I know I have quite a ways to go as this took a lot out of me (no pun intended) and it is just four days past the operation.

A nice surprise is how much smooth flowing energy I am aware of now.  Not only that, but just how my energy awareness has risen.  I used to be quite “energy” sensitive and this operation, as you said, took out all the stuff I did not need or was not serving me and really opened up the channel-that is exciting to me because I can now let through all those things that could not get through before.

The results of this will be a big rave all on its own for me and that will go along with a big rave on your working with me to produce such fantastic results.  Thank you so much for helping me with the energy set up and the ideas and thoughts that came from our conversation last Tuesday.

I apologize for this email being so truncated but my concentration wavers, fades in and out and sometimes I fall asleep at the switch (it has taken me two days to read a page and a half in a library book I am sort of reading).  Since i find that happening now, I will say I will talk with you later and soon, love, love, love Ron”

“Greetings Crystal,
After talking with you two weeks ago, the energy moved big time and fast and I am quite happy with how I have dealt with this.  Please accept major thanks, hugs and grins from me in thanks and appreciation for helping me get it.
I will be in touch, love and blessings to you,”

“Thank you  so much,  Crystal / sweetheart, your are  the right person doing the right job.
I am thanking   the Universe because we have you here and as I do so I say – May the Universe pour many  blessings over you!
Hugs and  love,

“Hi Crystal,
Many thanks for your love! It was enormous and helped me move some emotions because I felt safe and soothed. Thank you!
Your questions are incredible! I’m going to sit quietly with them and breathe. Thank you!!
Love and hugs,”

“Hi Crystal,
I read your blog today for the first time and it spoke to me. Because my way of letting something go was through anger. I read somewhere, write an email to the person that has hurt you and just tell them everything you want to say to them.  Let it all out until you have nothing more to say.  Then don’t send it just hit the delete button and let it all go. Well I did get the relief I was looking for, but have many more to do.  Then today I read the way you go about releasing problems, hurt, and anger.  I like your way better.  Just want to say thank you.”

“Greetings Crystal,

My heartfelt thanks wing your way on this May morning.
In late March I sent a message on a day when my little plane seemed to be battling stormy weather and making no progress.
Then your email including the words ‘ease and flow’ arrived.
Since then whenever a bumpy patch turns up (as they continually do) I recall this new mantra, and equilibrium is restored. It’s magic!
Blessings and love” – Rae

“Hi Crystal.  I am emailing you because you asked me to update you on what was going on.  I want to let you know that I have, in fact, been inspired and moved to start taking better care of myself (just little stuff, but more than I was doing before). I actually painted my toenails for the first time in…6 months?  Yes:)   So far, my job has become very easy for a few different reasons. I have been willing/motivated to get up an exercise in the morning before work. I have not binged in 4 days and have been willing to just sit and feel when an urge comes up.  I have lost 4 pounds since I talked to you.  I am really excited at all the things that are getting easier!  And I know it will just continue to get better and better!
Thank you so much!!!”
A. S.

“Over the past few days I have felt a sense of peacefulness not experienced in a long time.  My mind is quieter…I feel more like myself somehow and I feel hopeful.

Thank you, Crystal, you are a beautiful person and your light and love touches me.  Your presence in my life is such a blessing.
Have a glorious day!” S. S.

“It is becoming easier each day to stay focused on how I should be feeling. I really can’t believe the difference in how I feel just by being aware. Crystal I don’t seem to have trouble dropping the story but relaxing hasn’t always been easy for me. It does seem to be better though. I have noticed the greatest shift since my session with you which was wonderful! Everything is becoming much clearer!! Hurrah! ”  Deb

“Dear Crystal and Dionne,
I absolutely felt joy with you two and the way you weave together and so lucky to have had an opportunity meet you both.  I am struck wordless by the unlimited love that radiates from you, Crystal, so real, so heart-filling and I am tickled even now when I hear in my minds ear, your Texan accent with its conditioned proper-ness .  Don’t lose it.  It’s Divine. I felt your blessing transmission like a river flow through me and honestly I think it lodged in every cell without blowing me out of the water….it was simply lovely.
I love you sister,”

“Thank you!!  I feel like a younger, more confident & peaceful version of myself after our session and energetic adjustment.  Very sticky issues have been uprooted and moved out!  Old stagnant energy has been replaced with a peace and knowing that I am in the ideal place to create whatever my heart desires!  I can’t thank you enough for the liberation I am enjoying!  I love you!”  D Robertson, Austin, TX

“I feel great after the session.  Very free and empty 🙂  The energetic adjustment was lovely — the energy felt warm and loving.  There were several more big, deep, healing, letting-go breaths.  I love that I know there was lots of movement around things I’m holding but that I have no concern over what moved, how, or why.

This beautiful spirit (Crystal) was obviously noticed by Lola and Crystal’s spirit was obvious to me even though i didn’t personally speak with Crystal for nearly a year and a half. I began reading Lola’s book 10/07 and did Level 1 and needed minor technical assistance from time to time and of course had always heard of Crystal a.k.a. “Lola’s Fabulous Assistant” during that  time and intuitively knew there was something absolutely “treasured” about her. Crystal was the cherished nudge i needed to finally make the plans and reservations to come to Austin to do the 5-day silent retreat. I sit here at my PC with tears of joy and a expanded heart for extending out her arms and words to me saying …”a way will be made”… she said, “a way will be made”. She is an absolute precious joy to be around and YES she does help you lift yourself UP! Shine on sister-girl, shine on! I highly recommend sessions with Crystal!
Much Love, Lisa Leever
“I feel amazing this morning.  I feel very awake and open…especially in the crown and heart chakra areas.  It started when I woke up at 2:30 am to let Eli out.  Later I awakened feeling joyous and calm – a very strong sense of love and tenderness for myself.  And I was laughing in the shower for no apparent reason!
Many thanks for your loving gift.  Have a blessed day and love you very much!” Sherita