You’ve Got To Hand It To Them: But They’ll Take It How They Take It

Crystal Nuding Avatar

We drove out to our favorite river spot yesterday. On the way we stopped at Rusty Rooster to pick up a snack of delicious fried chicken, just like my Granny used to make.

We shared a piece driving down the road…

A few bites into the chicken I handed the piece to Dionne in the way I felt she’d be able to hold it easily and get the best bite, but when she reached for it, she took it in a completely different way than I had handed it to her.

In that moment, I gained a level of clarity on so much of what we do that I had to share it with you.

They’ll take it how they take it.

This is true whatever message, product or service you’re sharing; business or personal. No matter the energy behind what you’re doing, the other person can only perceive that which is in their own vibration and matches their level of conscious awareness.

Years ago, I worked for a person that I loved dearly. I would feel such waves of appreciation for the work we were doing together, I’d be moved send a rave email. In it I’d share all the reasons I was so proud to be doing the work and happy to help and support in any way I could.

I remember on more than one occasion not getting the response I thought I’d get. This person read my heart bursting, absolutely open and loving message and took it the wrong way.

Instead of hearing what I was genuinely saying they took it as a sign I wanted more power, money or recognition. I would never have turned down more money, of course, but those were never my intentions. I was simply sharing my moment of joy and appreciation.

So what’s the solution?

How do we make sure our message falls on open ears and arrives with our true intention intact?

First, feel through the physical sensations of upset or irritation any misunderstanding might have caused. Where is it? In your heart, stomach, throat? Resist the need to explain or defend yourself. They couldn’t hear you anyway. Recognize the other person is receiving this information through their own level of consciousness and no amount of research or hard facts will change their mind in the moment.

We all view the world through the very personal lenses of our positive or negative encounters. Our deepest fears and worries are what cloud our daily life experience. Move through this discomfort physically in your body to align your energy with those that can hear your message and will resonate with your business or service. You aren’t trying to reach everyone, just the ones that need what you’re offering.

Appreciate these ‘outages’ in the moment for the good information they are. Learn to acknowledge the upset you’re feeling physically as the thing keeping you from your perfect alignment. Let yourself feel through it without judgment or justification (or the stories of WHY you’re upset to begin with) and you’ll get even more clear about what you want to say or share or even how you need to re-direct your focus and efforts.

When we begin to recognize bad feelings or momentary “misses” as actual opportunities to move ourselves closer to what we want, then there’s never a problem, merely another potential solution.

Finding Your Flow

Have you ever been presented with an opportunity that obviously worked well for others but you immediately assumed was no good? Or maybe it felt good in the beginning but soon your mind had you convinced that it was a mistake and wouldn’t work out.

In each of these situations we have the opportunity to feel through our initial response to get to the truth of the matter for ourselves. Not what someone else thinks is right, but what WE feel is right for US.

What works for you won’t necessarily work for others and vice versa.

If you’re not connecting with your ideal client or customer, where’s the outage? Is it the way you feel about your offering or the way you feel about presenting or sharing your information?

Either way is no problem. By first being aware of what’s happening you have the opportunity to make adjustments, but they’re not the adjustments you might think.

More important than SEO, content marketing or Facebook ads, aligning your energy to feel good about what you’re doing is paramount to having a successful business. When you are in alignment, advertising is just icing on the cake. Word of mouth will become your greatest advertising tool and any money spent on marketing and ads will yield a higher ROI.

You can still do what you do, but you’ll be doing it in a way that reaches the people you are most excited to help and they will be happy to have found you.

What are the obstacles you bump up against on a regular basis? Where do you physically carry your anxiety, upset, irritation or grief?

When you realize this powerful and important information is available to you right now you can utilize it to create the shift and momentum you need for living the life you’ll love. You don’t have to do it like everyone else. You just have to do it the way that works best for you.

What do you think? If you’re reaching your target audience easily, what are your best tips? If you aren’t, what do you feel is standing in your way?


Crystal Nuding is a leading edge thinker and stress management expert whose message of soothing and uplifting has helped people around the world. She encourages personal fulfillment through self acceptance and empowerment helping people release themselves from suffering, struggle and self-limiting beliefs.
Schedule here:

7 responses

  1. dmdobbins98

    Love this! I’ve had this experience many times and I’ve learned to focus on my intent and let it go at that. I have found the less I worry about how my words might be taken the less they are taken the “wrong” way.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Crystal Nuding

      So true, Michelle! We really do create our reality so worrying about doing it wrong opens up the possibility for it to be wrong.
      Thanks for stopping by and sharing! 🙂
      Have a great week!


  2. Richard

    This is a very insightful article, well written. Wonder how many can understand it? The problem arises when one stays with an uncomfortable feeling, what action is required because thought is constantly interfering.


    1. Crystal Nuding

      Thank you, Richard. I’m hoping to help many understand it.

      That’s where the consciously soothing yourself comes into play. You have to be willing to support yourself mentally. Or get support from someone who can help.
      It takes effort, of course, but so does focusing negatively.

      Once you get the hang of it your mind will begin to support you. You’ll KNOW from a much deeper place what’s actually happening and it won’t be so upsetting. It’s like watching it on TV rather than it happening TO you. You know it’s not really what it feels like in the moment. It’s a very powerful place to be.

      Thanks for stopping by, Richard!

      It can get pretty deep but I’m trying to make it understandable, how am I doing?


      1. Richard

        You are doing pretty well but when you go deep the thinking process will have to be examined.


  3. old books

    Excellent post. I definitely love this site.
    Keep writing!


    1. Crystal Nuding

      Thank you! I needed to hear that!! 🙂


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