Soul Food: What feeds your soul?

Crystal Nuding Avatar

What Feeds Your Soul by Crystal Nuding

My son turned 21 a few weeks ago. When I ask him what he wanted me to cook for his birthday I got the answer I expected, Chicken and Dumplin’s. They are and always have been his favorite. And before they were his, they were mine. My Great Grandmother Patterson would make them for me and my sisters when we were little. They were always so delicious.

As I stood in the kitchen preparing my only child’s favorite birthday meal my thoughts would drift back to my Grandmother’s kitchen in the big house. Chicken simmering on the stove, flour from rolling out the dough everywhere, the smells warm and comforting. It was a precious time for me and my sisters; to share that experience with Quentin feeds my soul.

What feeds your soul? It doesn’t have to be food. It can be anything, sitting down with a good book, hiking or kayaking down the river. It could be outside in your garden with your hands in the earth cultivating organic veggies for your family or growing roses like your grandmother did. Maybe it’s mowing the lawn and setting the sprinkler so you can sit back and enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of your childhood.

We’ve gotten so wrapped up in what other people think, what we’re “supposed” to do, how we look or what we have or don’t have. None of that really matters. What matters is how you feel on a regular basis. Are you happy? Do you feel good?

Many of us are under constant stress. At home we worry about what we needed to do for work and at work we think about all the things that need to get done at home. We worry about our government, we struggle with our weight, relationships or a health issue all the while believing that if we just think enough about these problems that we’ll resolve them. We came to the conclusion over the years that worrying is a good thing and that if we aren’t worried, we don’t care or aren’t paying proper attention.

Do you want the good news or bad news first?

Well, the bad news is this. Worrying = planning. Worry = creating. The more you think about and worry over upsetting situations in your life, the more and more you will experience those kind of situations that make you feel worried. It’s OK if you are scared to not worry. It’s how we’ve done things for all these years. But, if you’ll notice, worrying isn’t helping, it’s only robbing you of your peace in those moments.

The good news is you can feel through the stress, nervousness or upset physically and shift the situation. You don’t have to keep recreating the same worrisome scenarios over and over in your life. You have more control over your feelings and life than you’ve previously exercised or even been aware of. Again, this is all OK. When you know better, you do better.

We have to begin taking responsibility for our own peace and happiness. It is ours for the having when we stop thinking someone else should behave differently for us to be happy or satisfied. Our happiness and satisfaction is completely within our own control.

When you’re in the midst of a crisis or problem give yourself a break from it and instead let yourself think about what feeds your soul. What could you do in this moment to soothe yourself and begin to think of more pleasing things?

Our minds can’t think differently from how we feel emotionally so give yourself the gift of feeling better. Don’t try to figure things out immediately, just begin to move yourself towards feeling better physically.

What soothes and feeds your soul? Going for a swim, a hot bath and cuppa tea, a round of golf/tennis, quality time with a good friend? What made you feel good as a child? Playing outside, listening to music or coloring? How can you recreate that feeling today?

Ask yourself what feeds your soul and then see what comes up. Maybe you’ll have a memory of something you’d love to do again or a song on the radio or friend reminds you of an activity or experience that would feed your soul. Let yourself open to the wonder you experienced as a child, appreciating small things as if you’re seeing them for the first time.

As I was sitting down with my delicious bowl of Chicken and Dumplin’s I made for Quentin, I was immediately transported to Grandmother’s house. We were at the dining room table, all with our bowls and I could sense her. Her shaky hands with pink nail polish, the clicking of her teeth and dainty way she chewed.

In my heart I heard “You done good girl, I love you, I love you, I love you.” I held that bowl close to my face and just breathed it all in. Being there with my sisters and my precious grandmother, feeling the love that truly exists for me in every moment of my life. My heart burst while the tears of love and appreciation flowed down my cheeks. I love you, Grandmother. Thank you for teaching me about Heaven, love and kindness.

Find whatever that thing is for you and do it. Rediscover the thing that opens your heart and makes you remember the love that is here for you in this very moment, in every moment.

Stress is a temporary thing that can move quickly or last forever, it’s up to you. Give yourself the love and care you deserve by feeding your own soul. Take the time to do it, you’ll never be sorry you did and you’ll always feel better when you do.

Sending you all my soul feeding love, soothing, peace, ease and flow!


7 responses

  1. James Earl Wells

    You have an uncanny ability to write things that seem to mimic my childhood. And once again. My Grandmother on my Mothers side made Chicken and Dumplin’s. The family get together was always around those Dumplin’s. I remember them well.
    She passed and every Thanksgiving and Christmas (or anytime all of us kids were at home) my mother made Chicken and Dumpin’s. We would all cut up and act like we were not going to let anyone else have any.
    Well I am the youngest of the bunch and the only Son. I am 60, the next child (sister) is 77 and the next is (sister) 80. So you can see I was not planned. But like them I was taught to make the Chicken and Dumplins.
    My Daughter will be 27 in October. We were blessed that she was old enough that Grandma also taught her to make them too. because she loves them as much as the rest of us.
    And yes, they bring bring all the great smells back of childhood. Fresh cut grass. Apple pies sitting in the window to cool. Fried Chicken and nothing like a cool rain and watching the steam come off the pavement.
    All those things make all the bad things go away. My mother passed and got to see two of her grandchildren from my side of the family. I wish she had seen that last. But she will be remembered every Thanksgiving when his Mother makes Chicken and Dumplins.
    Sometimes I think we are related. With that I thank you for that beautiful piece as the lesson as well as your story rings true I believe for many people.
    Blessings To You and Happy Birthday to your Wonderful Son.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Crystal Nuding

      I love it so much, James. Thank you for sharing and for the well wishes for my sweet boy(no matter his age). I do love him so. 🙂
      My Granny’s fried chicken was my favorite meal for my entire childhood. My Granny showed me [even more] love than I was already receiving from her, through her food. I learned to cook watching her and her daughter, my grandmother, Joycie Bear. There’s a picture of her on this blog (Giving Thanks) from Thanksgiving 2 years ago. We’re all so connected. Thank you for just the next in a long line of endless confirmations.
      We are family. 🙂
      Much Love and Many Blessings to you, James.


  2. Lyn

    U r so right. Grandmother made the best chicken and dumpling. I also loved her dressing and red beans and cornbread. Sorry but Butch’s aren’t even close! I always would ask her how to make things and shed say a pinch of this etc. How is Quentin? I love u so much and wish u were cooking for me since u r awesome! Love always

    Sent from my iPhone

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Crystal Nuding

      I love you, Lyn! Daddy does make delicious red beans and cornbread, but they aren’t Grandmothers. 🙂
      Quentin is great! I’ll cook for you the next time I see you!
      I love you so much and am sending healing, peace, ease and flow!
      Holding the vision of your perfect health, happiness and vitality!


  3. Strictly Holistic

    Hi Crystal,
    Love this post – wrote something similar myself recently:

    We must be on the same wavelength! I think it’s so important to recognise whatever gives your soul nourishment and helps you to feel connected and then do more of it. We can so often get caught up in the busyness of life and forget this. Thank you for the reminder x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Crystal Nuding

      Thank you, Charlotte. Great minds think alike and all that! 😉
      Yes, yes, yes! When we feed our soul every aspect of our lives is nourished. Thanks for stopping by and sharing.
      We’re doing important work in this world. Thank you for your support!
      Much Love and Many Blessings to you,


  4. Alex

    Reblogged this on and commented:
    wise words we all need reminding at times.


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